This Girls 5 Reasons to Travel Now… don’t wait!

We all know that travel is expensive and most of us in our twenties don’t have that much of a cushion when it comes to cash flow.  BUT that doesn’t mean we should lock our selves into our jobs and take life too serious… just yet!  Here are 5 reason you should take that trip you’ve been planning and jet set on out of here!

  1. You get the best experiences
    1. Why might you ask?  BECAUSE you have done the nitty gritty research, all the ins and outs of each location to find THE BEST deals.  When you don’t have much money to travel on you don’t just pick the best looking hotel room or the first one you see.  YOU find the diamond in the rough!  Yes it was hard, but YES it is worth it to see that the location you chose is usually where most of the locals hang out -rather than in the super tourist parts of town.
  2. You can enjoy the night life a little more
    1. I am not saying that when you are older you won’t enjoy the night life, but if you are young and single you can meet a few people and they can change the experience from just seeing the inside of a club, to maybe meeting up for drinks the next day and EXPERIENCING the true city.  When you are traveling by yourself or even with another person/significant other while young you can reach out to those locals and see the city the way they see it.
  3. Your body can take it
    1. When you are young your body can recuperate so much faster than while you’re older.  Soo.. go ahead and enjoy that long night out but also plan an early morning hike or EXREME activity! Jump out of an airplane, run an adventure race, jump off a cliff… My husband said it to me this way… “Am I going to run with the bulls when I am sixty?” NOPE!  I’m pretty sure at sixty i’m gonna be sitting on a beach relaxing with a drink in my hand rather than running around Pamplona 😉
  4. You take more RISKS
    1. I’ve seen my point of view already chaining on this one since I am getting a little older… “maybe I don’t need to take this trip or take that leap into cold water”… NO, we DO need to JUMP!  We only get to experience this life one time and this ONE TIME needs to be full of fun and excitement and the things that keep our hearts racing and pumping!  When we are young we are more likely to take those risks that get more out of our life!
  5. You probably have no commitments
    1. When most of us are in our mid twenties the only thing we think that matters is this.. graduate, get a job, start a career and then build a family.  WELL lets try to rethink this one, what if we traveled the world first and got all the experiences in life that could shape us into who we really can become.  THEN we can start our careers and the paths we choose to take.  Right now in life, there are no children, and the jobs are ALWASY going to be waiting for us when we get back.  Take the chance, take the leap and BOOK THAT TRIP!

I hope i’ve convinced you that you can go and travel young, soooo now lets get out there!! We all have been given the chance to live the way we want and the world is at the tips of our fingers…  this photo always reminds me of the beauty in the world and lights a fire beneath my feet and I most definitely want MORE.  Find the photo that inspires you to dream, and to remember that no dream is too big!  #GIRLMEETSWORLD


Author: Janel Fisher

Hey there! My name is Janel Fisher and I'm the girl that is meeting this CRAZY and WONDERFUL world head on!! I like to travel, I LOVE to cook (oh and eat) and I enjoy any activity that is outside. I battle my disease every single day, Multiple Sclerosis but I DON'T let that slow me down. This world is such a HUGE place and I am here to share my world with you!

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